This site is for college students and young adults ( or as my little brother calls us, kids with bills).
For all those times you have felt like you could be getting more out of your college experience, but didn’t really know how to ask google or pinterest about it.
For all those times where you couldn’t find great information about how to be a successful student, club leader, student worker, apartment tenant or international student.
My blog will teach you ‘Something About’ all the tips and tricks I learned in college and while looking for a job that helped me be a successful student and land my dream job without going crazy.
Ok so, I lied. My little brother isn’t actually little, he is 18 and going to start college August 2020. My younger sister is also in college and starting to go through job searching and interviews.
That’s what really inspired me to start this blog. My ability to help them and you to navigate college life and beyond.
Hi! I am Rebeca and I am here to guide you through college, interviewing for jobs, apartment living, finances and beyond.
I am a recent college graduate from Southern Methodist University where I got a degree in accounting and I just completed my masters there as well.
During my time in college I was extremely involved. Every one of my undergrad semesters I was taking 16-18 credit hours, had at least one job and held several executive positions at different clubs.
On top of that, my last two years of undergrad I started trying to get hired by a Big 4 accounting firm in a very competitive environment and with the added hurdle of being an international student.
Now, I have a job at EY and I am currently studying to take the CPA exam.
There are a lot of things I wish I knew before college, a lot of things I learned while I was there and a lot I realized I had yet to learn.
With my blog I’ll make sure you know Something About everything you need to be more than happy with your college experience and wherever life takes you afterwards.
One of the best parts about college is connecting with people, and that’s what I want to do with you. Subscribe to my email list, and I’ll send you a quick hello pretty soon!